Downloading super health club game
Downloading super health club game

After playing through his parts on a replay, it'll be difficult to tell if Kouji is walking out of the room because he doesn't like you or because he's trying to avoid getting "distracted". Kouji's reasoning for taking a light hit harder than he thought he would makes it pretty clear he might have been staring at the player character's body. Distracted by the Sexy: The first scene a player can get with Kouji has them sparring.He doesn't give a damn about the success of the club, regularly takes on new assistants only to have sex with them, knocked up Phillip's mother and then walked out on them, went on the have sex with both Thomas's and the player character's mothers and traumatizing the former, and rapes Kouji. Depraved Bisexual: Richard is the only bisexual in the game.Disappeared Dad: Richard is Philip's estranged father.By the game's end though, he can come to care strongly for the player character. Defrosting Ice King: Kouji is the most stoic of your employees, and warms to your character the least when the game starts.Dark-Skinned Blond: Chris has the darkest tan (and lightest hair) of the employees.Coming-Out Story: Doubles as Origin Story for Thomas.Not only does he get the wrong person, but he manages to misinterpret "daddy" as "father figure" rather than anything sexual. After questioning Kouji's apparent date with the player character, he gets teased about his "daddy" not having time for him anymore. Comically Missing the Point: Thomas, as another sign of relative immaturity.In-game, it's green for Thomas, blue for Chris, orange for Phillip, red for Kouji, purple for Richard, and white for the main character. Color-Coded Characters: That picture up there is going to mislead you.Or, in the opposite direction, he can go from being annoyed that said secretary took the casual sex as intimacy to enjoying a genuinely dedicated romance with an employee. Character Development: The player character, depending on events, can go from enjoying casual sex with a secretary when the game begins to being appalled and disgusted at the idea in the end, having seen the damage it can cause.

downloading super health club game


  • Cast Full of Gay: How convenient! Well, by way of being a gay bara-genre game, there isn't a single female to appear in it.
  • Potentially subverted-though Kouji is incredibly ashamed, he still defies Richard thoroughly to the end.
  • Break the Badass: Poor Kouji is raped by Richard just because Richard wanted to, while getting talked down about control and his own lack of power.
  • This is likely what fuels his obsessive need to take perfect care of his body. A little digging however, reveals him not only to be into Jane Austen literature, but doubting anyone's conviction to stay with him. This is the general impression Chris leaves, being stunningly good-looking but also obsessed with keeping those looks in perfect condition and little else. There is exactly one instance of his eyes not being hidden by his hair, and that's his portrait on his desktop-and his eyes are still hidden by sunglasses.
  • Blinding Bangs: The player character has these in every scene he appears in.
  • Blatant Lies: "Hey Phillip, what happened today? Why are there towels all over the floor?".
  • Kouji himself also makes very serious threats to kill Richard. It's used at the end of the game to make damn sure Richard never hurts anyone again. His rape of Kouji, to which Kouji submitted to prevent the player from finding out he was originally after their job, happened in a room with a camera in it.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Thomas and Kouji, and occasionally Phillip and Chris.
  • Bara: With big, manly muscles all over the place, this game is much more in line with bara than something like yaoi, which is tailored for a female-skewing audience.
  • Bandage Babe: Philip always has bandaids on his face, because of his tendency to knock into things.
  • And of course, he's openly cold and cruel to his son, Phillip.

    downloading super health club game

    He also cares very little about any profit or success as long as he gets to have sex with his employees, whether they want it or not. Bad Boss: Richard rapes Kouji in compensation for a deal they made for a job that Kouji didn't get and doesn't want anymore.Ambiguously Brown: Philip speaks Spanish and claims Spanish heritage on his mother's side, but it's not specified if he means Spanish or Latino.All Gays Are Promiscuous: Each of your employees have at least one scene of them getting sexually involved with clients.All Asians Know Martial Arts: Kouji, the only character of Asian descent, is Japanese, and is skilled in martial arts.A Man Is Always Eager: Every male character -yours included- doesn't seem to hold any reservations about having sex.Affectionate Nickname: Thomas is "Tommy" to the other three and eventually the main character.A Date with Rosie Palms: Thomas's second scene depicts him masturbating after a heated private workout session with a client.

    Downloading super health club game